How to Turn Hopeless Situations Around [Changing Negative Situations]
From the human being’s perspective, there’s such a thing as a “hopeless situation,” but from God’s perspective, there’re no hopeless situations.
”Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”” Mark 9:23
From the words of Jesus in Mar 9:23, it means the seemingly difficult, impossible challenges people face in this physical world are all subject to change through the application of divine principles.
God expects you to function by divine principles now that you’re born again, hence there shouldn’t be any situation you can’t change.
There are no impossibilities with God
No matter the challenges you face in life, you’re expected to bring God glory by effecting a change in that situation. The life in you is the life of a victor; you were born to reign and rule.
You can effect a change in any negative situation through prayer, meditation, and your confessions of faith.
When someone tells you, “that’s impossible,” get excited; for that’s an opportunity for you to put your faith to work and change things. It’s an opportunity for you to prove the Word.
God responds to faith; not tears
God always looks forward to seeing His kids demonstrate their faith; He’s excited to see you turn hopeless situations around. He longs for the angelic beings to see His many-sided wisdom demonstrated through you (Ephesians 3:10), as you overcome challenges and change hitherto hopeless situations.
That’s why you should never cry or get discouraged when situations challenge your faith. Rather, tell yourself, “The Greater One dwells in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer! God is glorified as I turn this situation around in the Name of Jesus.”
Be sensitive to your time of change
“Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard…” (Daniel 10:12).
Sometimes, you just know in your spirit that something needs to change in your life. If you don’t take advantage of that intuition, you could lose the moment.
Take action immediately
When you know inside you that the time has come for a change or for something to happen, don’t take it lightly; start praying about it, and if, after some time, you still haven’t seen the desired results, you add fasting to it. If the change still doesn’t occur after a while, keep praying and fasting about it, because the delay could be by Satan.
This was what happened to Daniel as he prayed for the deliverance of God’s people. He had read in the Book of Jeremiah that the deliverance of Israel would come after seventy years in exile. He knew the time had come and thus began to pray.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia detained the angel that was to bring Daniel the message. Daniel, nonetheless, was faithful and kept praying.
After twenty-one days, the angel of the Lord finally came with the answer and explained what had happened (Daniel 10:13-14). The angel that God sent to Daniel was delayed in the spirit realm, until Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help him.
Do not delay – get on the offensive
Perhaps you perceive that it’s time for a transformation in your family, business, academics, finances, health, or ministry. Take it up; fast and pray!
On the other hand, maybe you sense that there’s a certain level of operation of God’s Spirit that should be at work in your life, but you’re not experiencing it; give it attention. Fast and pray about it, because if you don’t, you may lose the timing, as well as the opportunity.
So, like Daniel, set your face “…to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting…” (Daniel 9:3-4 AMP).
Go Deeper
Let’s pray
I can never be disadvantaged in this life because the greater One lives in me, and He has given me the inherent dynamic ability to change hopeless situations. I have the power and wisdom to turn every unfavorable situation around for my good, to the glory of the Father! Every challenging situation that I face is an opportunity for me to demonstrate my faith and manifest the glory of God. Hallelujah